Celebrating International Day of Women and Girls in Science
February 16, 2024 — In celebration of the International Day of Women and Girls in
In fisheries, one in two seafood workers is a woman. In aquaculture, women earn only around half or 64 percent of men’s wages, despite facing the same risks of ocean degradation and with less resources to build resilience. 40% of all the startups in the seaweed sector are led by women.
Di Indonesia, ikan asin hadir dalam beragam jenis. Setiap daerah punya cara unik dalam mengolahnya, menjadikan ikan asin bukan sekadar makanan, tapi juga bagian dari budaya kuliner pesisir.
Menariknya, di balik setiap potongan ikan asin, ada perempuan-perempuan tangguh yang mengolahnya dengan teliti. Bagi mereka, ini bukan hanya soal mencari penghasilan, tapi juga menjaga tradisi dan mendukung ekonomi keluarga. Bahkan, di beberapa komunitas, hasil penjualan ikan asin digunakan untuk kepentingan sosial.
Ika Permatasari Olsen, commonly called Ika, is a lifestyle nomad who lives on a boat and sails the seas. Currently, her boat is docking in Amsterdam, but spends most of her time floating in the ocean. She began sailing in 2018 and finds happiness when there is enough wind to sail without needing to rely on the generator or engine.
Monika, an inspiring environmental activist, teaches children to cherish nature and empowers local women to safeguard the sea’s resources. She embodies the belief that “big changes start with small steps within your community.”
To Monika, the sea is a powerful symbol of peace and strength, reminding us that “the sea connects us, transcending all boundaries.”
Dive into our journey and discover how we’re making a difference in marine conservation and women’s empowerment. Join us in creating a brighter future!
Discover how we’re breaking barriers, building communities, and driving change for a sustainable future. Stay informed about our latest projects, events, and achievements in marine conservation and gender equality.
February 16, 2024 — In celebration of the International Day of Women and Girls in
Jimbaran, February 8, 2025 — Perempuan Laut collaborated with Konservasi Indonesia to express their views
Solo Exhibition by Puri Fidhini Jakarta, February 4, 2025 — Perempuan Laut had the opportunity
Explore our latest research, stories, and guides to discover how women are leading the way in marine conservation and sustainable livelihoods.
“Kemanapun saya pergi, apapun yang saya lakukan, label perempuan adat selalu melekat pada saya, I’m
Indonesia, sebagai negara maritim, memiliki kekayaan hasil laut yang melimpah. Salah satu produk olahan ikan
Let’s get to know kak Ika.. Ika Permatasari Olsen, commonly called Ika, is a lifestyle