Jimbaran, February 8, 2025 — Perempuan Laut collaborated with Konservasi Indonesia to express their views on blue carbon ecosystem conservation. This activity was a response to the session titled “Blue Carbon Ecosystems Conservation” during the Bali Ocean Days event, which featured three female panelists: Meizani Irmadhiany (Senior Vice President & Executive Chair / Konservasi Indonesia), Dina Kosasih (Executive Director / Pesisir Lestari), Prof. Selina Stead (Chief Executive Officer / Australian Institute of Marine Science), and Dr. Anna von Rebay (Founder / Ocean Vision Legal).
Meizani Irmadhiany, representing Konservasi Indonesia, shared her perspective on blue carbon ecosystem conservation as actions that can be taken to protect our oceans, promote collective health, maintain a healthy ecosystem, and support future economic development and food security.
Suryani Eka Wijaya, Ph.D. (Coordinator of Data and Information KMC Bappeda West Nusa Tenggara) explained that the concept of blue carbon ecosystems focuses on individual, group, and program efforts to conserve the ocean while also benefiting local communities.
Kirana Agustina, Founder of Perempuan Laut Indonesia, also highlighted that Indonesia has great potential in blue carbon development. Perempuan Laut is eager to see further developments in blue carbon methods in Indonesia, especially those that will be generated by Konservasi Indonesia.